Monday, April 10, 2017

Middle School Minute Take 3

I realized I have had this sitting as a draft for some time now.  I wish I had been able to record more of the funny things my students said.  As for now, here are a couple of laughs:

Students quiet during a quiz. 
Student: Raises hand
Me: Yes?
Student: (big grin) My stomach just growled three times.

Student: You should name your baby Raul.
Me: No.  I'm not going to give my baby a Spanish name when it's going to be a white kid.
Student: Oh.. then you should name your baby Gringo.

Student A: Miss!  You have a little belly!
Student B: Aww, it's so cute.
Student A: Can I touch it?
Me: um... (as student A touches my baby belly)
Student B:  (to student A) That's kind of weird.  ... (to me) Can I touch your belly?

Class is quietly taking notes in Mr. S's class.  I walk in and take a seat.
Student:  Miss.  This is my cow.
Student places small cow figurine on desk. 

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