Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reviewing Cells

Two weeks ago my 7th graders and I engaged in a week-long intense review of everything we had studied this year.  The reason:  7th grade Standards Based Assessment in science was the following Monday.

Day one: Cells

Everything about cells

Plant/Animal Cell Structure and Function
6 Characteristics of Living Things
Cellular Respiration

That's about 3 months worth of material that we went over in one day, and I was wondering how my kids would do.

Answer: AWESOME!  My kids did SO well on this review and it really made me so proud as a teacher.  The only thing they had trouble with was unicellular/multicellular, but we never spent much time on that and they're big words and if you have a learning disability and can't read very well in the first place then big words like that will scare you off.  Yeah.

We spent half of the class going over everything and then I gave them the other half to complete the review worksheet, which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

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