Monday, April 13, 2015

Owl Pellet Skeleton Reconstruction

The last step of our owl pellet lab is here!  (See part 1 and part 2.)

The kids are taking their washed bones and gluing them into a complete skeleton.  For their reference, I'll have the following image on the smart-board for them all to reference throughout the lesson.

Click here for image.

The rubric requires the following things: bones placed correctly, missing bones drawn in, bones labeled correctly, neatly done.  The kids and I will work together beforehand to determine what exceeds expectation, meets expectation, and doesn't meet expectation for each criteria.  

In the end, it will look something like this.  This is my example I did for the kids to look at.  

You can already see there are a few scientific terms I'm not worrying about for my sped kids: mandible (jaw), metacarpals (fingers), metatarsals (toes), innominate (I'm using pelvis instead), and I'm not doing sacrum at all.

This should be lots of fun tomorrow. I'm excited about it. :D

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