
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Series or Parallel Circuits

This should have gone before my last post, but I'm not going to worry about it.  There are too many papers on my desk to worry about any kind of order in my life!!

Occasionally I try to organize my desk.

Occasionally the occasional organization project is actually successful.

So we can't expect my blog to be that much more organized!

Okay, here is the worksheet I had for my series and parallel class.  Our lesson was to be able to tell the difference between the two (series has one path for the electricity to flow, whereas parallel has two or more paths).  We went through multiple examples where the students had to show with their fingers how many paths there were.  Once everyone had the correct number of fingers, I asked them if that made it series or parallel.

We also had to be able to tell if the light bulbs would turn on.  If one is broken, what happens to the others?  If switch A is open, but switch B is closed, which light bulbs are on and which are off?

Lots of fun.

I like this kind of stuff because my mind loves puzzles.


  1. is the one in the lower right corner going to light or not?

    1. Yes, it will light. The current is able to flow through all three lights.

  2. I need answer to this worksheet

  3. ill get right to it

  4. this is great. where can i find an answer key?

  5. Thank you for the sharing. Good
