
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Electricity Quiz

Electricity has been a really short unit.  My kids have enjoyed it.  I don't know if they fully understand the concept of electricity, but they know series and parallel and whether or not the light bulb is receiving electricity or not.  That good, right???

We're going to do a final review day.  We're going over all of the concepts and then they'll take this little quiz that they can use their notes on.  At the end, we'll also do a little review on our light/sound unit for those who want to retake the test next week.  If there's time we'll start learning about magnetism!  ooooh.  Exciting.

I hope it goes well.  I have had a lot of problems with behavior recently, resulting in one of my students being place in ISS (in-school suspension).  One other student probably also should have been place in ISS, but hasn't been.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.  So because of all of the problems, I'm not quite sure if the kids got all of these concepts like they should have.  Well, we're going to review and then I'll see how they do.

Here's the quiz.  It's meant to be printed double sided and cut in half.

Here are the quiz answers

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