
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Introducing: Light!

So we've already sorta started light with my eighth graders.  We had done the experiment on lightning/thunder to solidify their knowledge that light is faster than sound.  But I kind of back-tracked and finished sound with more gusto than I thought I would.  So now we're officially starting light.

Yesterday's class was a lot of lecture and note taking.  We watched little videos throughout (that I found on to help demonstrate the different principles we were talking about.  I tried to do little demonstrations throughout as well, to make sure they understood what they were writing down.

I made guided notes.  They can use these throughout the unit to help them on their worksheets, but they can't use them on quizzes/tests.

To get the guided notes, click below.

Light Notes: Page 1

Light Notes: Page 2

There was then a follow-up worksheet for them to do.  I didn't anticipate how long it would take to do the notes (it took almost the entire 1.5 hour block!).  Instead of doing the worksheet, I had them take out an extra sheet of paper and draw 2-3 examples of light reflecting off an object and into our eye.  They had to name the colors reflected and the colors absorbed by the object.

Here's the worksheet we would have done, and which we'll probably do next week (or sometime later in the unit as a review).

To get this worksheet, click below.

Light Reflection and Absorption Worksheet

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