
Monday, October 26, 2015

Word Wall

It's been a looooong while!  Hopefully I can put up a few posts in the next few days, because we've all been working hard and learning a lot!  I definitely have the pictures to show for it, I just need to post it. 

First up:  Word Wall.

I haven't been totally good at updating this word wall, but what I have updated is totally beautiful (if I do say so myself).  I got this idea from another teacher, who sold her word wall words.  Unfortunately, I'm a brand new teacher who is not ready to buy funds (especially when it's unsure how long I'll actually be teaching this subject--special ed, you know... we change around some times).  Instead, I created my own.  Thus the reason why I've kind of slowed down and need to remember to make more when I go home!

Our first unit for both 7th and 8th: the Scientific Method.

The arrows are supposed to show how the words are connected.  I would cover this up with a sheet whenever we took quizzes, but the kids have been good to use it when they need it.

7th grade Cell unit.  I don't go over all of the organelles, but make sure my kids know the important ones.  By the end of the unit most know these in and out; I'm really proud of my kids.

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