
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Starting Anew!

Can you believe that summer is over?  We're half way through our first week and I have yet to blog anything! 

Major changes this year:  I have a new classroom.  It's bigger. It has a sink.  The smartboard is a different brand that I like a whole lot better than the last one.  I have desks rather than large tables (which I think will work a lot better most of the time).  I still have large tables for when I want to put stuff out for projects or experiments.  I have a bookshelf!  All around, it's like I've been promoted!

Some pictures of my classroom.  It's still in progress, as I have yet to finish the bulletin boards and put things on the wall.  But it's functioning right now and it's all good.

Little computer station.  The printer was in the class when I got here, so I thought I might as well try it out.  I haven't been able to get it to turn on yet, though.  I might have to just get rid of it.  Too bad!  I have to go and walk all the way to the other side of the school to pick up my printed copies.

The teachers desk! The lamp was left here by the last teacher.  The Elmo Projector and the computer both connect to the smartboard you see in the background.

A view from the back of the room.  Whiteboard, smartboard, and student desks. Teacher station to the back right.

A view of the back of the room. Still to do: organize the bookshelf , do something with the step ladder, create the entry bulletin board, finish the large wall periodic table (I was going to just do that much, but then I thought it looked a little odd). 
Our half of the school got nice new waxed floors this summer.
I had a student help me with the Success! board today.  :)

The only thing you can't tell from these pictures is that the AC doesn't work, so it's so hot in the classroom!  It's bearable when it's just me, but when there are 15 other bodies in there it gets pretty bad.  But we make due.  We've already had three days of school and it's been a pretty good start.

1 comment:

  1. No AC???? Wow, you are a trooper! Great report and pictures. I hope you had a good Monday today!
