
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Middle School Minute -- Take 2

Picture of loch ness monster in presentation
Student 1: Hey, Miss, what's the name of that?
Me: The loch ness monster?
Student 1: Yeah. Have you seen the movie about it?
Me: No.
Student 2 to 1: What are you talking about?
Student 1 to 2: Have you seen the movie about the . . . (to me) what's it called again?
Me: The loch ness monster.
Student 1 to 2: ..the movie about the longest monster?

Bantering Students (this had been going on for quite a while)
Student 1: You're going to copy for the rest of your life.
Student 2:  Well, you're going to die for the rest of your life.

Student: This is my best friend, and this is my best friend.
Me:  You can have two best friends?
Student: Yeah.
Me: I thought you could only have one best friend.
Student: No, you can have lots.
Me: How many?
Student: 21.

Me: (referring to final exams) In my last class every passed and I had two people get 100%.
Student 1:  Oh wow! We can do that, too!
Student 2: Yeah, we can do it!
Student 3: We can do it! . . . . I think. . .

Ms. L: What is the scientific name for humans?
Student 1: homeostasis?
Ms. L: Not quite . . .
Student 2: Homo sapien.
Ms. L: Great!  Now, who thinks they know the scientific name for wolves?
Student 1: homeostasis?
Student 3: Homo wolf?

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