
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Electric Circuits!

Once you teach the kid about electric charge (positive and negative charges), and after they understand that opposites attract, then you can introduce the circuit.

the electrons (-) are racing through the circuit trying to reach the positive (+). This creates electricity

I discovered this great online tool that I'm going to use in class tomorrow.  I wish I could introduce the subject and have them all work and discover this on their own computers.  However, that is not possible.  I have one computer in my classroom open for student use.  So far I have found no reason to have one student on the computer while all of the others are doing something else.  So I'll have this up on the screen, we'll do it together, and they'll fill out their guided notes. 

Guided Notes Page 1
Guided Notes Page 2
Guided Notes Page 3

The Quiz:

Quiz Page 1
Quiz Page 2

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