Saturday, April 11, 2015

Middle School Minute

Middle Schoolers can say funny things some times.  I don't catch all of it, but here are some snippets from the past several weeks:

Ms. L is explaining that the class is going to act out a deer population.
Student A: I'll be the deer.
Me: I'll be the wolf that eats you.
Student B: And I'll be the dinosaur that eats you.

Me: Does everyone understand the assignment?
Student 1: Yeppidy-yep.
Student 2: Stop saying Yeppidy-Yep!!!

After the state science test
Me: So how was it?
Student 1: It was hard, miss!
Student 2: It was okay.
Student 3: Miss, it was so easy!
Student 1: Easy?  What?
Student 3: Well, that's because I pay attention.

Student:  Miss, look at this photo I took of a snake yesterday.
Me: Wow. That's a cool snake.
Student: And here it is with blood coming out of it.
Me: Um. . . that's gross. I don't want to see that.
Student: Want to see the picture again?

Me: What's your favorite thing to do?
Student: Sleep.
Me too, buddy, me too. 

Student: They're coming out with a new spider-man movie in a few years.
Me: That's cool. Did you know they're coming out with a new Beauty and the Beast movie?
Student: What's that?
Me: Beauty and the Beast?  You do know that story, right?
Student: No . . . Oh, wait, I know the song.
Me(excited): Which song?
Student: You know, that one Justin Beiber sings?
Me (deflated): No . . that's Beauty and the Beat.  That is completely different.

Student 1 to Student 2:  How old are you?
Student 2: 13
Student 1: . . . when you're 20, you're going to die.
Student 2: Why?
Student 1: Because I just decided.

During lesson on evolution and the idea of common descent:
Me: So, it's like your grandpa had a tail, and your cousin became a chimp, still with a tail, and you became a human, who lost his tail.
Student: . . . My grandpa doesn't have a tail. . . ?

Student: *disgusted noise* uh! My bag smells bad.  It smells like cheese . . . from my socks.

Student: Miss, why don't you ever wear skirts?  I like skirts.
Me: It's just easier for me to wear pants most days.
Student: Hm.  Well, I like skirts.
(days later)
Me: I wore a skirt today for you.
Student: It's a long skirt.  Long skirts aren't pretty.

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