
Monday, September 7, 2015

The Scientific Method Foldable

I saw this cute fold-able online that was very similar to how this one turned out.  I borrowed the examples that the other teacher had done for her class and used the same example for my class.  This has been a great tool and my students have already used it a lot as they go through the method in class and especially in preparation for our quizzes. 

Open your interactive notebooks to page 3.  This is right at the beginning of our first unit.
Open it up and you have the step names.
Open it up one more time and you have the definition of each step.
For the PDF, click below
The PDF includes the template for two foldables. The bottom page is glued completely down onto your notebook.  The others are only glued underneath the gray bar.  Cut along the lines so you can open each step one at a time. 

Here are a few examples of my students' work: